22 Settlers Edition 2018 (Deer Park (WA) Tribune 1955 Stags File photoDeer Park Tribune The 1955 Stags, led by Ed Robertson (left) and Howard Roberts and coached by Louis Hurst, finished the season with a 3-5 record, including a 19-0 win over Riverside. Take the home water test. Rusty-Rod stains on sinks, lavatories, ote Soap crud ring on bathtubs, showera Soaps loso suda quickly Rot Chrome fittings etched or boing eaten away Tastes and/or odors in drinking wator If you answered "YES" to one or more of these questions, call Tie Water Professionafs"at Fogle Pump & Supply! We're the water problem solvers! our arsenic araniuni removal specialisr! The REIONATORT ONA Comie water Professionals | . | 99% customer satisfaction The RE FREE Water Analysis Remov:: FREE In Home Water Analysis & Consultation ater A Fogle 509-684-2569 1-800-533-6518 Republic Spokane Colville www.foglepump.com