10 Settlers Edition 2018 (Deer Park (WA) Tribune Slater won the county shot put title while at Deer Parlk NFL also faced a ival for Slater's and Burke's te services of professional professional football the fairgrounds. Baske bankrupt. Some teams games were played in the fair building, which served as the Arcadia Apple In 1926, the NFL fielded Orchards warchouse 80 played only a handful of games before going under players: the first versioncareers. of the American Football League. After a year of bidding wars, the two Slater, who worked with Nash Motor Co, before agreeing to try his haned 22 teams although some quads stopped playing after the first month of the agues decided to merge atprofessional football, In his final football season at DPHS, Slater, playing under new coach for the 1927 season. League officials also decided to continued to live in the Midwest. The Badgers were in their tifth year in the NFL hitting their high water LG. Wade, opened the season with two touchdowns in a 40-0 win mark in 1923 with a7-2-3 12-team conference. over Colville. He later scored three times in a 52- 14 rout of Hillyard (Roger ms. In 1925, the owner High School) and twice more in a 35.0 rematch with afte it was discovered rm away the financially While his efforts on the weaker teams and make aprofessional gridiron are Imost forgotten, Howard Slater's brief stay helped build the foundation of today's NFI record. The franchise wa not one of the most stable eliinated was the Milwaukee franchise was ordered to sell the team The decision ended Slater finished his stay at DPHS as a reserve (he hit a team low .229) on the Spokane County champion the stadium bascball tcam. He also wou the county shot put title wih a 35 foot, 7-inch effortSlater was signed by the and placed second in the Badgers in September 1926 fou illegal high school players and had not charged admission to fans entering Milwaukee finished 0.6 along with WSC teammate After graduation, SlaterJe Flyweight" Burke. went to Washington State College The pair, however, could not help the Badgers, who finished 2-7-0 under second 204 N. Main St. Deer Park, WA 99006 Although injuries hampered his playing career year coach John "Red" at the Pullman school Slater was able to make enough of an impression that he served as one of the Cougar captains during his playing in all nine games senior season. He also made and scoring a single enough of an impression to uchdown, although details be signed by the Milwaukee of that effort remain a club of the upstart NFL ccording to The Pro Football Encyclopedia, Slateris credited with 59) 276-7000 Under New Management Still Independently Owned & Operated mystery since newspapers The league, which was ually listed only final fighting a somewhat losing battle with college foot for fans, had a hard time keeping teams from going colege game for fans, the scores of games played by the new league In addition to fighting the