Center for Workforce&Continuing Education Phiebotomist TRAINING PROGRAM Now at SCC Colville! The Medical Assistant Phlebotomist Training Program(MA-P) is an intensive program that provides students the skills necessary to draw blood specimens for testing purposes, qualifying them for entry-level work as a phlebotomist in the healthcare field. This winter, the Center for Workforce&Continuing Education (CWCE) succeSsful program in an 8-week format. Students are selected through a screening process that includes a mandatory orientation. written application, and interview. The orientation is the only tine interested parties can apply MANDATORY ORIENTATION Wednesday, November 28,2018 5-7pm SCC Colville Center | 985 S Elm St I Colville, WA For more information, or to be placed on an interest list, please contact the Health&Medical Program Specialist at 509-533-8057 or Community Colleges of Spokane Spokane Community College Colville Center CWCE Community Colleges of Spokane provides equal opportunity in education and employment.